2007 Diamond DA42 L360
Price: $499,900.00
Chicago area aircraft for the last 20 years, Low-time aircraft/engine/prop, Updated avionics.
Registration Number | 985JA |
Serial Number | 42.AC132 |
Airframe Total Time | 5320 |
Engine Time | 866 SFOH |
Prop Time | 866 SOH |
Complete Logbooks | Yes |
Annual Inspection Due | February 2025 |
IFR Certification Due | September 2026 |
FAILSAFETM Airframe Design with a composite cabin and 26g rated seats
Hydraulic retractable landing gear
HID landing and taxi lights
Garmin G100 Avionics
Two High Resolution XGA Displays
Standby Battery
Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS)
Solid State Air Data Computer
Solid State 3-Axis Magnetometer
Electronic Engine Indicator System (EIS)
Dual Nav/Coms
Digital Audio Panel with Audio Playback
Dual IFR Enroute/Approach Certified GPS
Terrain and Obstacle Mapping
Backup Airspeed, Attitude and Altimeter
King KAP140 Autopilot
Engine: Lycoming IO360-M1A
Horsepower: 180
Propeller: 3-Blade Composite Propeller
Useful Load:
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J.A. Air Center – Aurora Municipal Airport (KARR) – 43W730 US Highway 30 – Sugar Grove, IL 60554
E-mail Us: info@jaair.com | Call Us! 800.323.5966
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